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I Need Help

At Blackbrook School, we understand that sometimes, life can be a little overwhelming. Whether you're worried about something happening at school or at home, we're here to listen and help you find a solution. Remember, you're not alone – there's always someone you can talk to.

What Can You Talk to Us About?

  • Bullying: If you're feeling hurt, scared, or left out by others at school, let us know. We believe every child deserves to feel safe and happy.
  • Problems at Home: Sometimes, things at home can be difficult. Whether it's family arguments, worries about a loved one, or anything else, we're here to support you.
  • Feeling Anxious or Sad: Everyone has days when they feel a little down. If you're feeling sad, anxious, or just not yourself, we want to help.
  • Anything that you are worried about

How Can You Reach Out?

  • Speak to a Trusted Adult: This could be your teacher or any staff member you feel comfortable with.
  • Use Our Worry Box: Write down your worries and put them in the Worry Box located in the library. 
  • Virtual Worry Box: click here to tell us your worry now
  • Parent/Carer: Sometimes it helps to talk to someone at home first. Your parents or guardians can also reach out to us if you’re feeling shy.

What Will Happen Next?

When you share your worries with us:

  1. We'll Listen: Your feelings are important. We will listen carefully to what you have to say.
  2. We'll Support: Together, we'll think about the best way to help you feel better. This might involve talking more about the problem, finding ways to solve it, or just being there for you.
  3. We'll Act: If there's something we can do to make your situation better, we will. Your safety and happiness are our top priorities. We will tell you what we will do to keep you safe.

Remember, You're Not Alone

It's okay to ask for help. Everyone needs a little support sometimes. At Blackbrook School, we're like a big family, and families take care of each other. So, if you're worried about anything, please let us know – we’re here to help you feel safe, happy, and supported every day.