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A Heartfelt Farewell: Year Six Leavers' Service 2024

Read all about the touching leavers' service for Year 6.

This afternoon, the school hall was filled with a blend of joy, nostalgia, and pride as we celebrated the Year Six Leavers' Service for the parents of Class Six. It was a special occasion, marking the culmination of their primary school journey and the beginning of a new chapter in their lives.

Mr. Seviour opened the service with a speech, highlighting the unique qualities and achievements of our Year Six students. He started with a warm acknowledgement, "I have a lot to say, but I will try to be concise, as this afternoon, Class 6, is all about you." He reflected on the laughter, tears, and hard work that have characterised the students' time at Blackbrook, noting that their journey has been marked by tremendous growth and resilience.

Mr. Seviour recalled the challenges of SATs, not just for the students but also for the teachers. However, he emphasised that the progress made this year has been exceptional. "From the first time we put a test in front of you within the first few days in September – sorry about that – until Mrs. Shaw and I sat and looked through your final results. It is clear that the progress you have made this year was excellent."

He pointed out that while tests measure academic skills, they don't capture the essence of each student. "There isn’t a scaled score for how kind and caring you are. You can’t achieve greater depth for creativity, teamwork, or your ability to make us laugh, even on the toughest days. These are the qualities that truly make you exceptional."

Mr Seviour expressed deep gratitude to Mrs. Shaw, describing her as "superhuman" for her unwavering dedication and support to the students throughout the year. He extended his thanks to the entire Year Six staff team, including Mrs. Rendell, Miss Toller, Mrs. Burkinshaw, and Kelly, for their commitment and dedication. He highlighted the leavers' books, carefully put together by the staff, as a special memento filled with photos, memories, and messages. These books serve as a tangible reminder of their time at Blackbrook, capturing the supportive environment and the special moments shared.

Following Mr. Seviour's speech, the Year Six students took centre stage, sharing their favourite memories from their time at school. Their heartfelt stories brought smiles and tears to the audience. The children also performed several songs, touching the hearts of everyone present with their beautiful and emotional renditions.

There was a surprise from Mr. Seviour and Kelly, as confetti exploded over the Year Six pupils after their fantastic performance of the megamix from their play last year. This joyful moment was met with much surprise and laughter.

Mrs. Shaw took to the podium with a heartfelt speech that resonated deeply with everyone present. She expressed how much she has enjoyed teaching this class, highlighting the unique bond they have formed over the year. Mrs. Shaw shared anecdotes that showcased their collective sense of humour, which had brought so much joy and laughter to the classroom.

During the Year Six Leavers' Service, the generosity of the parents was evident as they arranged for a delightful array of cakes to be shared with the children. These sweet treats were a lovely gesture, adding to the celebratory atmosphere of the afternoon. In addition to this, Mrs. Shaw personally presented each child with thoughtful gifts, including souvenirs from their memorable Skern Lodge residential trip. To commemorate this special milestone, Mr. Seviour provided each parent with a framed picture of their child in a 'graduation' style gown. These photos are also available to view on the gallery page on this website, serving as a lasting memory of the children's aspirations for the future.

As we bid farewell to our Year Six students, we are filled with pride and optimism. They have shown incredible growth, resilience, and kindness. We wish them all the best as they embark on their new journeys, carrying with them the memories and lessons learned at Blackbrook. Congratulations to the Class of 2024—you have been brilliant, and we are excited to see all the wonderful things you will achieve in the future.

Thank you to all the parents for your unwavering support, and thank you to our wonderful staff for your dedication and care. This has been a memorable year, and today's service was a fitting tribute to our amazing Year Six leavers.

Take a look at more photos from the service in the gallery.

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