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Poetry Fortnight

Read all about our inspiring school-wide Poetry Fortnight!

Mrs Rendell, Communication, Language and Literacy Leader

Blackbrook School has been brimming with the buzz of poetry fortnight.  Throughout the first week, excitement built as all children learnt a poem by heart.  From The Whales on the Bus in Key Stage One, to Counting Lions and The Lost Words in Key Stage Two, our children were able to experience the power, energy and beauty of poems about our natural world.  The children were incredibly creative with their actions, volume and choral effects.  Each child was then able to perform in front of a live audience.  All staff were blown away with the confidence, clarity and enthusiasm of the children.  A group from each class were then voted through to our inaugural Blackbrook School Poetry Slam.  As the hall filled with electricity, finalists performed in front of the whole school.  We were mesmerised by Magpies from Year Two, stunned by Sardines from Year One and bewitched by Bluebells from Year Six.  Through a democratic vote across the school, Rosella Marks was declared this year’s Blackbrook School Poetry Slam Champion!

In the second week, children were given the opportunity to write their own poetry and illustrations.  All the children worked diligently and we were astounded by their effort and achievement.  Year Three produced outstanding watercolour lions whilst Class One created eye-catching collages.     The children’s creations were then displayed across the outside spaces of our school on Thursday evening ready to surprise our children and parents.  On Friday morning, there was a magical moment of community engagement, as parents, grandparents, siblings and friends admired and celebrated our children’s wonderful work.  We are incredibly grateful for the continued positive engagement and support from our parents and wider community.  Family members and friends were excitedly chatting with their children about their work, taking proud photos and ensuring our children continue to feel inspired to achieve.  

Parent Feedback

  • "I really enjoyed seeing the poetry display from all of the classes. It is a lovely idea and the children were rightly excited and proud to show off their hard work."
  • "Absolutely loved reading all the poems! It was clear the children had put lots of effort into their pictures and writing; it made for a lovely display."

We hope you have enjoyed Poetry Fortnight as much as we have and we are already making exciting plans for next year’s event!

Take a look at the gallery for more photos.