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Term-Time Leave Requests

You can monitor your child's attendance level on the Arbor application. Click the button below for more information.

To request term-time leave for your child(ren), please complete the form below. Please read the information on this page before submitting a request. 

Authorised Absences

In line with legislation and Local Authority guidance, pupil absences can only be authorised when:

  • a pupil is too unwell to attend school
  • a pupil is attending a medical appointment that is unavoidable
  • a pupil is taking part in a recognised religious observance
  • a pupil is prevented from attending due to school transport not being available (this only applies to transport that is arranged by the Local Authority or the school)

Absences may also be authorised at the discretion of the Head Teacher/ Head of School when:

  • term-time leave is requested, and its circumstances are exceptional
  • a pupil has one or more medical appointments
  • the parent of a pupil is engaged in a trade that requires them to travel and they have previously attended school as often as the nature of that trade permits (this relates only to families with Traveller status)
  • other exceptional circumstances (e.g. a close family bereavement)

Term-Time Leave

Arranging holidays or planned absence during term time causes issues for many reasons:

  • the pupil’s education suffers; lessons and extra-curricular activities are missed
  • there is no opportunity for teachers to set additional work or to assist a child in catching up on their return from holiday
  • parents may be in breach of their legal obligation to send their child to school.

The Government issued new regulations in September 2013 that placed greater restrictions on families and schools in relation to planned term-time leave. The Education (Pupil Regulations) (England) Regulations 2006 as amended by Education (Pupil Regulations) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013 state: Attendance Policy Page 11

Headteachers shall not grant any Leave of Absence during term time unless they consider there are exceptional circumstances relating to the application.

Parents do not have any entitlement to take their children on holiday during term time. Any application for leave must establish that there are exceptional circumstances, and the Head Teacher/ Head of School must be satisfied that the circumstances warrant the granting of leave.

Requests for term-time leave will be considered on a case-by-case. The Head Teacher/ Head of School will determine how many sessions may be authorised in cases where term-time leave is agreed. The school can only consider applications for Leave of Absence which are made by the resident parent (the parent with whom the child normally resides).

Applications for term-time leave must be made in advance and via the online form below. Failure to do so will result in the resulting absences being unauthorised. When an application for term-time leave is declined, any resulting absences will be unauthorised. Unauthorised absence relating to term-time leave being taken may be sent to the Local Authority for consideration of a Penalty Notice when 10 or more sessions are unauthorised.

Unauthorised absences resulting from term-time leave being taken is likely to result in the Local Authority issuing each parent with a Penalty Notice for each child absent from school. The Education Safeguarding Service issues penalty notices on behalf of the Local Authority in line with the Somerset Penalty Notice Code of Conduct, which is available at If a Penalty Notice is issued and not paid, the Local Authority will consider prosecuting parents in line with Section 444(1) of the Education Act 1996. This can result in a fine of up to £1,000 for each offence. In exceptional cases, the Local Authority may seek to prosecute parents in line with Section 444(1) of the Education Act 1996 without issuing a Penalty Notice.

Medical Appointments

Where possible, medical appointments should be made outside school hours or in school holidays. However, we realise this is sometimes not possible. Pupils should come into school before and after appointments to ensure they miss as little lesson time as possible. Pupils should sign out before leaving for appointments and sign in when they return.

To request term-time leave, please click the button below, complete the online form and the request will be considered by the School Management Team. Where available, please provide evidence of medical appointments - there is an option to take and upload a photograph of documents using your phone. 


More information about how The Oak Partnership monitors and considers attendance can be found in the Trust Attendance Policy, available on the Policies page of the Trust website.