Headteacher Update
An update from Mr Seviour
We are well and truly into the 'Christmas spirit' here at Blackbrook School!
Nativity Performances
EYFS and Key Stage One have been rehearsing for, and performing, the annual Nativity. This year's retelling is titled 'Baarmy Bethlehem':
Meet Cheeky, Rascal and Scamp – the party sheep! When they see Bethlehem filling up, they assume it’s for a big celebration and they do not want to miss out! They escape from the flock and make their way into town, but although they find lots of things they love like noise and crowds of people, there is no party. However, what they do find is the nativity story unfolding right before their eyes, which gives everyone a reason to celebrate!
It is always very pleasing to see the children on stage and having the opportunity to perform to an audience. Thank you for coming in and showing your support. Thank you also if you were able to make a contribution; we will use this to go towards our next fundraising effort to enhance the performance space in the school hall. There are a small number of tickets remaining for Tuesday and Wednesday - just pop into the office if you would like any.
Christmas Fayre
Another successful Christmas Fayre has come and gone. A huge thank you to Claire Anderson and the Friends of Blackbrook team. An incredible £1898.47 was raised during the evening.
ASDA Cashpot for Schools
Thank you to everyone who shops at ASDA and chose to support us in their Cashpot for School promotion. A fantastic amount raised with very little effort and without costing anyone any extra. £519.18!
Taunton Foodbank
We received a 'thank you' certificate from Taunton Foodbank (part of the Trussel Trust), acknowledging the generous donations received before half-term. Our donation of 141.8kg during Harvest 2024 will make a big difference to local people in crisis.
RBL Poppy Appeal
Once again, we have been thanked for our fundraising for the Royal British Legion. As a school, we raised £159.51.
Staffing Update
Ms Cosgrove will sadly be leaving us at the end of this term. She has taken up an exciting opportunity in a different type of role within education. She is in her thirteenth year at Blackbrook School and will be missed by pupils, parents and staff alike. A letter was sent to parents in Class Three earlier this term.
Diary Dates
Christmas Jumper Day! Children are invited to wear a Christmas jumper (in place of their usual school jumper/cardigan) on Wednesday 18th December.
Carols on the Playground! Weather permitting, parents are invited to the school playground to join us in singing some Christmas Carols at 14:30 on the last day of term (Friday 20th December).